The role of B vitamins in building immunity
Category: Witamina B
Date: February 17th 2025

The B vitamin complex includes thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), biotin (B7), folic acid (B9) and cobalamin (B12). B vitamin complexes often still contain choline (vitamin B4) and inositol (vitamin B8), which are now called vitamin-like substances. They must be supplied daily with the diet and can quickly become depleted. For the immune system to work properly it needs to be nourished. Any deficits will adversely affect its work. Vitamin B deficiency impairs the function of the innate and acquired immune system.

B vitamins – sources and risk of deficiency

The vitamins in question are contained in varying amounts in:

  • meat, meat products and fish
  • whole grain cereal products
  • legume seeds
  • vegetables
  • nuts
  • dairy products
  • yeast and eggs

that is, in almost every unprocessed or low-processed product. These appear to be products commonly consumed in the community. However, this does not mean that a daily dose of valuable vitamins will meet the needs of the body, which carries out many complex processes on a daily basis. Especially as the compounds are sensitive to light and heat, so their final amount in the finished dish may be low.

Rola witamin z grupy B w budowaniu odporności
The vitamins in question are contained in varying amounts in: meat, meat products and fish; whole grain cereal products; legume seeds; vegetables; nuts; dairy products; yeast and eggs

Thiamine, riboflavin, niacin – the basis for various processes

Some immune cells produce energy mainly through the TCA (tricarboxylic acid) cycle, which is dependent on the presence of thiamine. In macrophages, thiamine reduces the secretion of cytokines with pro-inflammatory potential. In addition, thiamine has an antioxidant effect on neutrophils. Riboflavin, together with niacin, also has antioxidant potential. Their deficit is an increased production of cytokines and free radicals, which can damage various tissues, including immune cells. Without vitamin B2, pathogen devouring is impaired. However, without this trinity of nutrients, the metabolism of the other vitamins (B6, B9, B12) becomes impaired.

Pyridoxine, folic acid, cobalamin – the basis of methylation

These vitamins are essential for the methylation cycle. Their deficiency increases homocysteine, which increases inflammation in the body and damages DNA. This, in turn, can result in tumours, which also indicates an impaired immune system. Methylation is responsible for stimulating or dormant various processes depending on the prevailing conditions and needs. Impaired immunity may be a consequence of disruption of this mechanism. Folic acid is involved in the antibody response to antigens and cobalamin regulates immune system functions, especially those with antiviral properties. Therefore, vitamin B12 may help in the treatment of COVID.

B-complex as energy for immune cells

The vitamin complex enables the formation of cofactors that enhance all biochemical reactions. This enables energy production, DNA synthesis, carbohydrate, protein and fat processing. These processes are also needed by the gut bacteria. In turn, they are the basis for the smooth functioning of the immune system and the GALT tissue containing immune cells. Energised immune cells can realise their full potential. Without energy production, everything slows down, becomes weaker.

The vitamin complex enables the formation of cofactors that enhance all biochemical reactions. This enables energy production, DNA synthesis, carbohydrate, protein and fat processing.

Which B-complex should I choose?

Taking B-complex has been shown to have a positive effect on immunity. Their potential excess will be excreted in the urine. The B vitamin complex notable for its content of methylated forms of B9 and B12. Composition, i.e. the amount of additives and fillers in a tablet or capsule, also has a health relevance; the fewer additives and the closer to nature the composition (e.g. plant cellulose capsule) the better.

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