We helped rebuild a kindergarten
We helped rebuild a kindergarten in Ołdrzychowice near Kłodzko that was destroyed by flooding in September 2024.

A company with heart – UNICEF
Together with UNICEF Poland, we are doing our share to help the world's neediest children. UNICEF's work focuses on protecting the health and lives of children in places affected by armed conflict and natural disasters, as well as promoting children's rights in 190 countries around the world, including Poland.
Animal protection – Wrocław ZOO
We care about the environment. We also know that its fate depends on our daily choices and local actions. We financially support the Wrocław Zoo, where we have adopted and cared for a pair of owls. The Eurasian eagle-owl lat. Bubo bubo is probably the world's largest owl and our native species. Thanks to species and zonal protection in many countries, its population is slowly recovering.

Social Responsibility
We are not indifferent to the fate of those in need of help in our surroundings. We believe that local actions have great power. In 2017, we financially supported the International Movement for Animals Viva! In 2019, we financially supported the Wrocław Children's Hospice and last year the Children's Home in Bierutów. In 2020, Xenico also responded to the call from the Judith Puppy Foundation in Nowa Sucha.
National Council of Supplements and Nutrients
As the company that wants to have a real impact on the functioning of the dietary supplement market in Poland, we have been accepted as a supporting member of the National Council of Supplements and Nutrients. Thanks to our membership of KRISO, we have access to the latest information on planned legislative changes at European and national level and the opportunity to influence these changes. Through KRSIO, with the help of the Association's experts, the company has the opportunity to undertake joint legislative initiatives and participate in the creation of law.

“Forbes Diamonds” 2022 and 2023
In 2022, the company was among the winners of the prestigious group of “Forbes Diamonds” 2022. “Forbes Diamonds” is a list of the most dynamically developing companies in Poland that have most effectively increased their value in the last three years. This recognition is particularly important to us because of the confirmation of the quality and value of the brand we are building by independent experts. Additionally, the effect is intensified by the fact that it was received at such a complicated time for everyone. In 2023, the company repeated its success and received the Forbes Diamond for another year.
Business Gazelle
In 2022, Xenico Pharma won the title of Business Gazelle and was included in the elite group of the most dynamically growing companies of the daily newspaper “Puls Biznesu”.

As a company, we have a real impact in many areas. We feel responsible for our employees, customers and business partners, as well as for the local community and the natural environment. In these areas, we implement a number of initiatives and long-term projects.